When we achieve serenity, we accept both failure and success as part of life. Our failures do not bow us down, and our successes do not fool us. We know that both will come and go many times, weaving through the pattern of our lives. Serenity lifts us above both failure and success, so that we meet them both with love. When our inner life is rich and fulfilled, we are less dependent on outer successes and failures. They no longer define us, control us or dictate our path.
Love and hate, as well as success and failure, are simply two sides of the same coin. Witnessing consciousness is a way of rising above the thunderstorm of emotions, the extremes that love and hate, or failure and success can take us to-extremes of despair and pain.
Witnessing consciousness is learning how to observe the way your thoughts react to everything that you experience. It is not the observation of the deepest inner self but of the everyday mind and the way its reactions create fear. It can be done at any time, for it is simply trying to consciously observe the way you react to the world around you and to people and events. It is the study of your own reactions. All you do is examine how reactive you are. Look at what sparks your emotions, opinions and habits.
Your attitude to life and to success and failure is vitally important. A positive and encouraging mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug. By changing the inner attitude of your mind, you can change the outer aspects of your life far more effectively than by struggling only to make outer changes.
We all encounter difficulties and troubles, confusions and obstacles. When we meet them stubbornly and defiantly, attempting to break through them with the force of our will, we are ineffectual. However, when we learn to meet them gently and with compassion, without hurrying or forcing, we learn that in time they will bend.
A strong and optimistic mental attitude is part of the cycle of cause and effect. What you give out will define what comes back to you. So be gracious to everyone, good company to many, known to a few, companion to one, enemy to none.
A strong mental attitude acknowledges that nothing in life is certain. Uncertainty and impermanence are part of the fabric of life. Change is all around us, in the weather, in the seasons and in our lives. When we learn not to fear change but to recognise that it is fundamental to life, then we become strong, self-aware and able to cope with whatever change brings.
A positive mental attitude will engender in us the desire to be kind to others. And kindness has extraordinary power, in our individual lives and in the world around us. Kindness can conquer the pain of failure and the blindness made by fearful success. Share goodness with others, be kind to yourself and to those around you, and the darkness in the world, caused by belief in fear, will turn to the light of serenity.
'The Tibetan Art of Serenity'
Christopher Hansard
الموضوع رائع بالفعل.حيث يمس نقطه هامه جدا فى حياه كل فرد منا فالحياه مليئه بالمواقف والاختبارات والتى تحتاج منا المثابره والقدره على اتخاذ القرارات والمواجهه.وللاسف فالكثير منا لا ينظر سوى للنصف الفارغ من الكوب والخوف عامه والخوف من الفشل خاصه ياخذ بيد صاحبه الى الظلمه والانطواء والجهل.لان المواجهه والتخطيط السليم لمواجهه المواقف المختلفه من المنظور النفسى تكسب الفرد مخزون من القرارات يمكنه استعادتها كلما تعرض الفرد لمواقف مشابهه. ولنعلم جميعا ان الفاشل ليس من حاول ولم يوفق بل الفاشل من يخشى المحاولة.
ردحذفالموضوعات شيقه ومفيده بالفعل.
ننتظر المزيد
Mahmoud Momtaz
"و لنعلم جميعا أن الفاشل ليس من حاول و لم يوفق بل الفاشل من يخشى المحاولة"...بارك الله فيك يا صديقى..و ألف شكر. فى انتظار المزيد من المشاركة.
ردحذفأختكم شرين