If you have the ability and skill to get something done and the staying power to stick with your task, then you are on the path to achievement. The important thing in life is to decide what is worth achieving and what is not.
Many of life's greatest achievements are not material ones. For some, the height of achievement is to climb a mountain; for others, it is to overcome some kind of adversity or illness. Others achieve spiritual development, educational goals or a harmonious relationship. All of these and many more are life's wondrous achievements.
Always value your own achievements and applaud those of others, sharing in their sense of accomplishment and pride.
In our greatest achievements we push back the boundaries of what we believe we can do and find in ourselves strength of character, willpower and a courage we didn't know we possessed.
All true achievement is carried out with love. Achievement without love is empty and attracts fear. Love is the spark that ignites true achievement, and achievement is the fire that grows from love's spark.
'The Tibetan Art of Serenity'
Christopher Hansard
بالفعل من اجل تحقيق شئ ما لابد ان يتحلى الفرد بالشجاعة والمثابره والايمان الحقيقى بقدراته على تحقيق هذا الشئ.
ردحذفوالاساس ان يعلم الانسان قدراته الحقيقيه وان يحدد لنفسه هدف
The important thing in life is to decide what
is worth achieving and what is notواكثر ما جذبنى فى الموضوع هو ان الحب يكون العامل الاساسى لتحقيق الانجازات.كما انه يمثل الشراره التى تشعل فتيل الانجاز الحقيقى,والانجاز يمثل الحريق الذى يندلع من شراره الحب
Love is the spark that ignites true achievement, and achievement is the fire that grows from love's spark.
فبالفعل علينا ان نثق فى قدراتنا وان نحب ما نفعله باخلاص حتى نتمكن من انجازة كما ينبغى.
شكرا لموضوعك الرائع.
Mahmoud Momtaz
شكرا يا صديقى لمشاركتك الكريمة..بارك الله فيك..و برجاء موافاتنا بالمزيد من الرسائل.
ردحذفأختكم شرين