When you have command over your state of mind, you have great power. You are able to choose how to approach any situation in your life, for with inner power comes outer power-power over your behaviour and actions and thus influence over others.
On the path to success your decision to succeed is more important than anything else. But before you decide to chase success, be sure you understand what it is and why you want it. Success for its own sake is meaningless. It is far better to aim to become a person of honesty, spiritual awareness and humanity, for these are the ingredients of true success. It is possible to fail in many ways, while there is only one way to truly succeed-an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings. When you achieve this, every experience you have is successful.
The sure way to be unsuccessful is to try to please everybody. Avoid this and keep your focus on yourself and the purpose and meaning behind your actions. Know that you are a success if you can get up in the morning and go to bed at night having in between done what you wanted to do while bringing goodness to others. Material success in life is not wrong or distasteful if you approach it and manage it with the right attitude. If your success is not on your own terms, if it appears to the world attractive and glamorous but you do not trust it in your heart, it is not success at all. Success comes from self-knowledge, and the man or woman who makes a success of living is the one who perceives the ambition as having already taken place then steadily aims for it, gathering it in, as if it were a net. In life you have achieved success when you know in your soul that you have lived as well as you could, based on what you knew of yourself at the time, laughed often, showed kindness to all and loved much.
Good people are good because they have achieved wisdom through failure. They have learnt to accept that failure is an unavoidable part of life and need carry no sense of shame or loss, for to fail you must have tried. Failure is what happens when we need to learn faith in the world and ourselves. If we learn nothing from failure, then we continue to fail-and to chase perfection, believing that next time we will achieve it. But try as hard as we might to achieve perfection, the result of our labours is always an amazing variety of imperfections. We may see these imperfections as failures, but each of them holds divine lessons and brings us beauty, and if we are able to discover this, we grow in self-knowledge and move closer to the true success that is acceptance. People who consider themselves, or are considered by others, to be failures in life are simply those who did not become conscious of just how close they were to success when they gave up. Be brave in picking yourself up and carrying on after a failure, knowing that if you accept that failure as an unavoidable and valuable part of life, then you are a step closer to success.
In order to release yourself from worry on a daily basis, end each day in thanks and stillness and then release it, along with any worries it brought, knowing that during the day you have done your best. Some errors and absurdity no doubt presented themselves; learn from them and disregard them as soon as you can. Tomorrow will be a brand-new experience. Begin it well, serene and with your spirit full of energy, hope and courage, ready to do your best once more. When we lose confidence in life and in other people then we are going in a direction that is counter to the universe. This means that we make life harder for ourselves. To change this, start by insisting, kindly and firmly, to yourself and others, on being yourself. Under no circumstances try to be like anyone else. You are irreplaceable, rare and incomparable. You need not try to safeguard your integrity and dignity, for if your heart is strong, they will be safe and will protect you. By being yourself, you will access your inner power and develop self-respect and self-love, both vital aspects of real confidence.
Each person's thoughts connect them with all other people, and so the energy of thought is enormous. A thought is not just a small, private awareness that disappears, but a unit of energy, which remains present in the world and has an effect on everything around us. Therefore it is vital to choose your thoughts with care. Thoughts not only carry themselves to others, but they lead us to our behaviour and actions. So choose to let negative, unkind or self-defeating thoughts go. Concentrate on thoughts that support yourself and others in leading good lives and achieving peace and contentment. Nothing in the world is as sacred as the integrity of your own mind. When you truly experience this for yourself, you have achieved inner power. When we take time to see the influence of our thoughts, and subsequent actions, upon our loved ones, friends and even enemies, we understand that what has passed behind us and what may be before us are insignificant compared to what lies within us. Use the power of your thoughts to connect yourself to others, to achieve your dreams and to believe in yourself.
'The Tibetan Art of Serenity'
Christopher Hansard
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