The more we acquire and long for goods and possessions, the more fearful we become of being without them and the less we are able to focus on spiritual growth. People find it harder to spend time in their own company and seek lesser substitues for serenity through consumerism and gratification of the senses. As more people become dissatisfied and search for quick fixes, they are unwittingly broadcasting their fear to an already fragile world-a fear born out of separation from our inner nature and the natural world.
We are often strangers to ourselves in the search for happiness, unaware that inside us are the answers to all our questions. When you heal fear, you recognize that happiness is not somewhere else but in the place that you are, and not for another day but for this day. All you have to do is invite it into your heart. Happiness achieved in this way is lasting. It is present whether you have a good day or a bad one, whether things go right or wrong. It is a part of you, there with you whatever is going around you, dependent only on you and not on circumstances. It is your natural-born right to be happy. By transforming body and mind, happiness is released from our inner resources. According to Tibetan wisdom, you can change your brain and central nervous system to safely release the inner happiness that is waiting to be discovered. It is stored in us as energy. To achieve happiness is a form of wisdom-the wisdom of skilful and non-aggressive survival.
Those who understand true happiness know that you do not have to focus directly upon your problems to fix them; instead, you must find all the possibilities of change within them and then turn those possibilities into reality. Another avenue of happiness in to connect with other people at a straightforward level by talking, sharing activities and playing a part in your community. In the same way, our inner wellbeing depends on simple things, not complicated ones: exercise, sleep, having close relationships, enjoying friendships, developing an optimistic outlook on your life and acknowledging your emotions. Forgiveness and fraternity create happiness.
It is more important to have happiness here and now than to try to make a big, complicated plan to be happy at some point in the future. Happiness doesn't work that way. Happiness is the thread that links your life, moment to moment. The more you try to make happiness last, the less likely it will be to happen. If you can learn to simply enjoy a moment of happiness, then it will become part of this thread and it will last. Bring happiness into your life by sharing it. Think about making others happy and happiness will turn up of its own accord in your life. And as you increase happiness, you decrease fear and allow serenity into your life. Happiness is ultimately a personal choice. It depends on how we are prepared to see the world and our role in it. Do you have the courage to go beyond your fears and embrace the change within to release your happiness potential? Happiness is indestructible. Like serenity, it is inside us, waiting to be released. It is not dependent on any material or circumstantial change in your life but rather on your own willingness to welcome it into your life.
Meditation is not something you do but rather it is the discovery and release of a natural state of consciousness and the expression of this state.
'The Tibetan Art of Serenity'
Christopher Hansard
With Love and Gratitude to my German Shepherd, 'Mahboub'.
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