الخميس، 17 سبتمبر 2009

Life's Journey

All living creatures are part of a whole, called by us the 'cosmos'. We human beings experience ourselves as different and separate from the rest of life, but this is simply an illusion, a kind of misconstruction of our consciousness. This illusion confines and impedes us, keeping us attached to our personal desires and habits.

Our goal must be to free ourselves from the illusion of separateness by enlarging our experience of tolerance, compassion, wisdom and generosity to embrace all living creatures and the complete cycle of nature in all its beauty and ugliness. When we are able to do this, we become truly aware and truly alive and we begin to understand our life's journey.

The naturally occurring wisdom of our inner power understands that we are a part of the whole. This deep understanding, evolved from our original experience of being part of all things. When you are connected to your inner power and live in accordance with your own truth, knowing that you are a part of the whole of life, connected to every other living creature, you will find the purpose and adventure behind your life's journey.

'The Tibetan Art of Serenity'

Christopher Hansard



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