To love and be loved is to feel the warmth of serenity and the absence of fear. Love comes to us to reunite us with life and all its possibilities for a new way of being. When we love another person, it is the meeting of two energy systems, different from one another, yet at the same time attracted. As love arrives, both are transformed. When both experience love, the emotional and physical nature of each person is changed and raised to a higher level of being. To truly love is to receive a hint of bliss and awakening.
When we love, the happiness of another person becomes essential to our own. Love shows us the bravery of loving without wanting anything in return. Giving because we can. This takes courage, because most of us are scared of falling on our faces and looking silly, or leaving ourselves open to hurt. Yet to go through the process of loving and to follow the call of your heart is an initiation into being truly human.
When one human being loves another, the most challenging of all our lessons in life is experienced, that is that each of us can love and none of us is separate from love. Love is the ultimate expression of humanity and the path for which all other paths are but preparation.
Love gives us, in a blaze, the insight and understanding that would otherwise take years of inner work. Love touches the untouchable and heals that which cannot be healed. Love is like a beautiful bud, which cannot be forced into blossom, but whose eventual blossoming makes the garden a place of enchantment.
If love is true and real, it is the same whatever or whoever we love, whether that be a person or God. Love has no still point, it is like the sea and cannot be measured. It is an act of endless forgiveness and unbreakable tenderness that transforms habits.
And despite the common saying that love is blind, it is in fact not blind at all. Love sees everything, and because it sees all, it is willing and able to see without judgment-it sees things as they are.
Love is more than a feeling. It is essentially a choice to step into accelerated consciousness. If you want to experience love, make the decision to love and to be serene. Love cannot be earned or given; it exists in all things and can only be recognised and received. Authentic love is a state of communion with all things, and when it happens, there is no need for strategy, control or an outcome.
Yet love does have a strategy, and it is to make sure that eventually every living creature knows love and is supported by it. The greatest contentment of life is the certainty that we are loved for ourselves or, rather, loved regardless of the ways in which we obstruct ourselves.
When you allow yourself to love, your life will change. When we love, we soften and open. In this enchanted state you will see many aspects of your life differently, making wiser choices and choosing a path of greater serenity.
'The Tibetan Art of Serenity'
Christopher Hansard
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