To begin to awaken the serenity within you and within your workplace is very simple. Start by giving thanks, regularly each day, for all that you have within the workplace, for what you earn and for all that you do, regardless of what it is. Serenity is not concerned with status, importance or workload. By doing this, you will begin to awaken the energy of serenity that exists in you, in your colleagues and within the workplace itself. You will soon notice the atmosphere change as calm, happiness and natural vitality blossom.
As love is the fuel of the human soul, so mercy is the energy that gives us the chance to forgive and move into a state of grace, the natural spiritual state that occurs within us when we are aligned with inner love. Grace is the energy that expresses mercy in all our interactions with people. And at the heart of grace is serenity.
Love exists in all of us and is our most powerful connection to other people, but love is surrounded by fear in many guises. We fear rejection, abandonment and betrayal. We fear trusting and becoming close. But while there are fears surrounding love, in love itself there is no fear, nor is there any pretence, for love is not ours to direct, and when we do truly love, it leads us to serenity.
Love changes direction and, from time to time, form. It grows and moves on, but once you have really loved someone, that love will always be there. Each one of us must find the courage to accept love when it comes to us. The path of love begins by allowing kindness into your life and sharing kindness with other people. It is by loving that we find out what we are really made of. The fears surrounding love appear because love makes us feel vulnerable. Yet to fear love is to fear life, and to fear life is to fear the gift of serenity and to turn away. When we accept love we understand that we are connected to all life and that in this lies the essence of serenity.
'The Tibetan Art of Serenity'
Christopher Hansard
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